Sunday, May 12, 2024

Day 5, Sunday, May 12th - Around Santa Fe

Today was my day for visiting the Plaza. I pulled into the Cathedral parking lot about 0915, paid my $15, and found a good spot among all the Mass-going folks. The walk to the Plaza passes by a wall draped with wisteria in bloom.

The Plaza was crowded with tourists dropped off by their tour leader, locals, and artists setting up. My first stop was the Plaza Cafe since I'd had enough if motel breakfasts for a bit. The place is set up like a classic diner, but the prices are classic tourist trap. I had a bowl of posole with a sopapilla and iced tea, for only $24 with tax & tip.

I spent an hour at the New Mexico Museum of Art; its architecture is based on classic Southwestern church design. I traditionally try to take photos from the museum courtyard, but it was crowded with folks on tours either photographing or sketching it. You'll have to settle for this exterior shot.


Inside it does a nice job a displaying selections from its collection. The special exhibit is work by a potter who makes pieces, breaks them, and puts them back together – I once did something similar with model airplanes & firecrackers. I imagine his workshop needs ...


The New Mexico Museum of History took me a bit longer. It has the expected New Mexico timeline exhibit, plus special exhibits on Harvey Houses and New Mexico Magazine's centennial, all housed in the new, modern building. The historic Palace of the Governors has fewer examples of hand-carved santos, and more info on the building's history. It originally dates to the days of Juan de Onate's conquest of the area, was demolished during the 1680 Pueblo revolt, and rebuilt during the reconquista.  The sections of the Palace are separated by a courtyard.


My next stop was the Plaza-area dime store for a $1.50 Sunday paper (competition makes all the difference), and the ice cream store for a $7 break. Then it was on to the IAIA Museum of Contemporary NativeArts. This is a mural of the three sisters, on the sculpture garden wall.


Back to the hotel by 2:30, next a trip to someplace that didn't have it for a green chile cheeseburger.

Tomorrow: Albuquerque via the Turquoise Trail.

Today's miles: 12.3, for the trip 1187.7

No travel time recorded, all city travel.

Average gas mileage so far: 40.9 mpg


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